====== Installation of MED on Linux ====== The MED format is built on top of HDF5 and as such, requires the HDF5 library and tools.\\ \\ After installing HDF5, you can download the MED sources from here [[http://files.salome-platform.org/Salome/medfile/med-4.1.1.tar.gz|here]] \\ Uncompress them and run the following commands from the uncompressed folder: ./configure CFLAGS=-O2 CXXFLAGS=-O2 FFLAGS=-O2 --disable-python make sudo make install \\ If HDF5 is not installed using your package manager, you need to replace: ./configure with ./configure --with-hdf5= Where is the path to your HDF5 installation.\\ \\ If you want to specify where to install the MED library (required if you don't have sudo rights), replace: ./configure with ./configure --prefix= \\ Where is the path where you want to install the MED library.\\ This folder must not be the one containing the sources.