New telemac3d features for v5p5 links from [[:new_version_features|New version features]] \\ ===== v5p5 TELEMAC-3D ===== Date: 1st February 2005 The principal features of this version v5p5 of TELEMAC-3D are: * Wave equation in 3D * Several options for reconstructing the 3D mesh **Beware**: Very important notice in subroutine CONDIM: * Initialization of free surface must be cancelled (the line to cancel will appear as an error if compiled). * Call to subroutine **CALCOT** is changed, only arguments **Z** and **H%R** remain. ===== New options and new or modified keywords ===== == == :: Edge-based storage is now possible with **MATRIX STORAGE : 3** and **STOCKAGE DES MATRICES : 3** :Default is 1, for EBE storage == MESH TRANSFORMATION (TRANSFORMATION DU MAILLAGE) == :Integer. The default is 1 :Specifies how to reconstruct the 3D mesh between the bottom and the free surface :0 : user defined (in user subroutine CALCOT) :1 : sigma transformation (planes evenly spaced) :2 : spacing given by an array **ZSTAR** between 0 and 1 for every plane. To be specified in **CONDIM**. :3 : fixed plane (goes with keywords **NUMBER OF THE INTERMEDIATE REFERENCE LEVEL** and ELEVATION OF INTERMEDIATE REFERENCE LEVEL). :4 : all planes horizontal if possible (if not will avoid obstacles on the bottom and the free surface). Real elevations must be given in **CONDIM** in array **ZSTAR**. == COMPUTATION CONTINUED (SUITE DE CALCUL) == :Logical. The default value is .FALSE. :A different number of planes may now be specified. == OPTION FOR THE HYDROSTATIC STEP (OPTION POUR L’ETAPE HYDROSTATIQUE) == :Two options available: :1 : as before :2 : wave equation :A notable speed-up, nearly a factor 2 in hydrostatic mode, but sometimes unstable. When unstable, may be stabilized by setting : **IMPLICITATION FOR DIFFUSION = 2.**, but this is not yet fully investigated, at least safe when looking for a steady state. == VARIABLES POUR LES SORTIES GRAPHIQUES 2D (VARIABLES FOR 2D GRAPHIC PRINTOUTS) == :String. The default values are 'U,V,H,B' :See below all the options available with their mnemo. ^ Enlish ^ French ^ | 'U="depth averaged velocity along x axis (m/s)"' | 'U="vitesse moyenne suivant l'axe des x (m/s)"' | | 'V="depth averaged velocity along y axis (m/s)"' | 'V="vitesse moyenne suivant l'axe des y (m/s)"' | | 'C="celerity (m/s)"' | 'C="celerite (m/s)"' | | 'H="water depth (m)"' | 'H="hauteur d'eau (m)"' | | 'S="free surface elevation (m)"' | 'S="cote de surface libre (m)"' | | 'B="bottom elevation (m)"' | 'B="cote du fond (m)"' | | 'F="Froude number (m)"' | 'F="nombre de Froude (m)"' | | 'Q="scalar discharge (m2/s)"' | 'Q="debit scalaire (m2/s)"' | | 'I="discharge along x (m2/s)"' | 'I="debit suivant x (m2/s)"' | | 'J="discharge along y (m2/s)"' | 'J="debit suivant y (m2/s)"' | | 'M="norm of velocity (m/s)"' | 'M="norme de la vitesse (m/s)"' | | 'X="wind along x axis (m/s)"' | 'X="vent suivant l'axe des x (m/s)"' | | 'Y="wind along y axis (m/s)" | 'Y="vent suivant l'axe des y (m/s)"' | | 'P="atmospheric pressure (Pa)"' | 'P="pression atmospherique (Pa)"' | | 'W="friction coefficient"' | 'W="coefficient de frottement"' | | 'RB="non erodable bottom elevation (m)"' | 'RB="cote des fonds non erodables (m)"' | | 'FD="thickness of the fresh deposits (m)"' | 'FD="epaisseur des depots frais (m)"' | | 'EF="erosion rate (kg/m3/s)"' | 'EF="flux d''erosion (kg/m3/s)"' | | 'DP="probability of deposition"' | 'DP="probabilite de depot"' | | 'US="friction velocity"' | 'US="vitesse de frottement"' | == Keywords removed == :**NUMBER OF SURFACE DRIVING VELOCITY SMOOTHINGS** (NOMBRE DE LISSAGES DE LA VITESSE DE SL) :**NUMBER OF FREE SURFACE SMOOTHINGS** (NOMBRE DE LISSAGES DE LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**DYNAMIC BC** (CL DYNAMIQUE) :**NON-REFLECTING BC** (CL NON-REFLECHISSANTE) :**NUMBER OF INTERMEDIATE VELOCITY DIVERGENCE SMOOTHINGS** (NOMBRE DE LISSAGES DE LA DIVERGENCE INTERMEDIAIRE) :**SOLVER FOR FREE SURFACE** (SOLVEUR POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**ACCURACY FOR FREE SURFACE** (PRECISION POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**PRECONDITIONING FOR FREE SURFACE** (PRECONDITIONNEMENT POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS FOR FREE SURFACE** (MAXIMUM D’ITERATIONS POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**SCHEME FOR FREE SURFACE** (SCHEMA POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) :**IMPLICITNESS FOR FREE SURFACE** (IMPLICITATION POUR LA SURFACE LIBRE) ===== New user subroutine and modifications in user subroutines ===== == SUBROUTINE CALCOT == :All comments are now in English.